संदीप गुप्ता Sandeep Gupta - My nerdy side


Linux Linux everywhere

Who said viruses are bad?! Well, they have done the trick which I wasn't able to do: Coaxed my family to move to Linux. And a perfectly timed delivery of free CDs of ubuntu linux 5.10. So, I have Breezy Badger running happily on my machine.

More importantly, as promised to my mom, I have been able to provide a Hindi interface for working on computer.

My folks still are complaining about not so aesthetic looks of Freecell :)). I think they will pretty soon get used to it.

Linux मस्त है़़़़.


Moving beyond PC

With my latest gadget, a zoom x5v 5565, I have moved beyond PC for data usage. This device is a ADSL modem + router + VOIP device. I have to just plug in my normal phone into the telephone port of the device to make my phone a VOIP phone by dialing #. So, by using voipuser.org I can dial to the world for almost free. All this without even opening my PC!!



Here is a program to print 'c' if the program is compiled with C compiler and 'c++' if it is compiled with c++ compiler.

The file can be named as .c and on tru64 machine cxx's -x cxx option needs to be used to compile it as c++.

int main()
int i=0;
#ifdef __cplusplus
return 0;