संदीप गुप्ता Sandeep Gupta - My nerdy side


Gnu/Linux species chart ;)

An excellent mindmapped view of current state and origin of various Gnu/Linux distributions :

The story here.


Another marvel from FOSS


``Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own monitor(s)."

Web technology: Dead? not even close

So, when everybody thought web is dead, in comes Google to rock the world. They shook the world with their searching. Simple and Fast.

Again, when everybody thought web is getting stagnant, in comes AJAX and Google's mail. Simple and Fast.

Again, when everybody though web technology is not growing so much, in comes Google's GTalk integrated within the web-interface. Again, Simple and Fast. and importantly, no need to do stupid hacks to get messengers working in office.

So, being a ymessenger user, I was secretly jealous when somebody told me about this site. This is what Gaim is to desktop application.

And, that's not all. A whole world of amazing web2.0 (as they are called) applications.

Are we moving towards desktop-application-less environment?